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Secretary Responsibilities

A Secretary’s responsibilities are many and varied. From organising and running meetings to keeping accurate records and updating the Club Membership lists. Along with maintaining / preserving Club correspondence, ensuring that the Club remains registered, and running Club events. As a Club or Society Secretary you are accountable and responsible to the Club or Society membership and to the USU through the C&S Program.

Secretary Training is provided twice a month during semester, please refer to Orion Online Portal for details or come and visit the C&S Office.

All Secretaries should:

• Provide administrative support to activities of the Club or Society. Work with other members of the Executive to achieve the aims of the Executive in order to benefit the membership overall.
• read the Handbook Secretaries , C&S Handbook, C&S Regulations, C&S Brand Guidelines other Handbooks as applicable (such as the Revue Season Manual and Charitable Giving Handbook) available on Orion Online Portal or collect copies from the C&S Office.
• read and be familiar with the existing Club or Society Constitution.
• attend Secretary Training held twice a month during semester to understand the role of being a Secretary and gain insight into the resources available.
• be a current cheque signatory to the Club or Society bank account. If you are not then visit the C&S Office for more advice.
• hold a Handover Meeting with the Outgoing Secretary to discuss the role and any the systems or outstanding issues they introduced or encountered during the year/period as Secretary.
• draft a Joint Event Agreements when holding a joint event with another club or this records the intentions, responsibilities, monetary income and expenditure commitments of all parties to the joint event arrangement. A List of Suggested Joint Event Agreement Content Items is on Orion Online Portal.
• call meetings within defined timeframes, take minutes and present relevant documentation at all Ordinary Committee, Special and Annual General Meetings.

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