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Treasurer Responsibilities

Note: All Treasurer (including Revues) Handbooks and Templates are now published on Orion Online Portal under Forms & Guidelines. In order to access these Resources you need to be a current registered executive of a Club or Society.

Treasurer Responsibilities

Being a Treasurer of a Club, Society or Revue is a great opportunity to learn skills that will be valuable to you in the longer term. You are responsible for managing, budgeting and accounting for the finances of the Club, Society or Revue for the entire Financial Year.

As a Club, Society or Revue Treasurer you are accountable and responsible to the Club, Society or Revue membership and to the USU through the C&S Program.

Treasurer Training is provided weekly during semester1 and twice a month during semester 2, please refer to Orion Online Portal for details or come and visit the C&S Office.

In order to do this you are required to give very careful consideration regarding the systems and templates used for income collection for the Club, Society or Revue. Similarly Club members and suppliers should not be reimbursed unless you as Treasurer have received sufficient documentation to support or substantiate the release of Club, Society or Revue funds i.e. a cheque payment.

All Treasurers should:

• read the Handbook for Treasurers and other Handbooks as applicable (such as the Revue Season Manual and Charitable Giving Handbook) available on Orion Online Portal.

• read and be familiar with the existing Club or Society Constitution.

• read the C&S Regulations and understand the procedures for applying for C&S Funding.

• attend Treasurer Training held during semester to understand the role of being a Treasurer and gain insight into the resources available. Two Revue specific Treasurer Training sessions are held during the start of semester 1 each year.

• use the Prescribed Cashbook Template, there is one for Revue Clubs and one for all Other Clubs in the C&S Program. They are available on Orion Online Portal.

• keep a record of Club member and non-Club member attendance at all events held including the selling of merchandise and meetings using the Submission Form in the prescribed Cashbook or separate Word document available on Orion Online Portall.

• be a current cheque signatory to the Club or Society bank account, the Treasurer should also have direct access to the Bank Statements. If you are not then visit the C&S Office for more advice.

• use Receipt Books as prescribed in the Treasurer’s Handbook “If you collect more than $5 from an individual, you should issue them with a full income receipt and give them a copy (regardless of whether they want one or not!). You must keep a carbon copy in the receipt book”.
A Receipt is required when collecting Membership money even if the amount is below $5.

• use Check/Raffle Tickets or Tally Sheets if you collect less than $5 from an individual (e.g. for a BBQ or raffle), it is acceptable to use a raffle ticket book or tally sheet to support your income. A Tally Sheet template is available on Orion Online Portal.

• use Cash Collection forms if you are collecting “gold coin donations” for an event or charity collection, it is not possible to issue a receipt to each person. In this case, two people should be appointed to count the money. The Treasurer will then generate a receipt or use a cash Collection form which should be signed by the two people counting the money. A Cash Collection template is available on Orion Online Portal.

• keep all pre-numbered event tickets (e.g. Ball tickets) and Revue tickets stubs for audit purposes. These should be sorted into consecutive number sequence and be kept secure by a rubber band or clip.

• source other Supporting Income Documents to ensure there is a Remittance Advice for other money received (e.g. sponsorship). Also include Sponsorship Arrangement documents on file.

• only release Club or Society cheques when they are in possession of documentation that will support or substantiate the payment amount. Consider using a Reimbursement Form to capture the supplier information and attach the invoice and till tapes to. A Reimbursement Form is available on Orion Online Portal.

• have a Handover Meeting with the Outgoing Treasurer to discuss the Treasurer role and the processes and systems they had in place during the year/period as Treasurer. The Outgoing Treasurer should also hand-over the Cashbook they have started for the new financial year and all related documentation such as invoices, receipt books, cheque books, deposit books and bank statements. A Treasurer Handover Meeting Agenda template is available on Orion Online Portal.

• draft a Joint Event Agreements when holding a joint event with another club or this records the intentions, responsibilities, monetary income and expenditure commitments of all parties to the joint event arrangement. A List of Suggested Joint Event Agreement Content Items is on Orion Online Portal.

• control populations of events tickets, merchandise such as Hoodies and T-Shirts and other physical items such as chocolates through a Population Summary. A Population Summary example is available on Orion Online Portal.

• present the Unaudited Income & Expenditure Statement and the Bank Reconciliation at the Club’s Annual General Meeting. This is called the Treasurer’s Report. The Income & Expenditure statement once audited should be adopted by the Club’s Committee at a later date.

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